Part 99: Update LXXXV - Last stand Saber
Update LXXXV - Last stand Saber
This update covers the events of Update XLVI to XLIX.
Music: School IV
I still can't believe that entire bit was optional.
Alright, time to get this out of the way.

*Giggle* Saber, my healing won't be truly effective if you don't cooperate. Now, where was I?
Music: Down to Dawn

Just like the terminal said, when I reach the first floor, Rani is waiting for me. My Servant is behind her.

O...Oh...Praetor! H-Have you been well since last I saw you?

When our eyes meet, Saber's face turns bright red. What's going on here...? I wonder if something happened during the magical healing process.

As you can see, Saber's magical energy has made a full recovery.

Fully recovered, that's good. The nurse's office smells sweet. Maybe I should ask what they did in there, for future reference.

You must be curious. If you like, I can tell you everything

Rani was unexpectedly brazen in her actions. I shall not entertain such behavior, not even from you.

Is this...a competition for her? More and more, I find it difficult to understand exactly what in the world is going on, but...

Humph, that Rani! I told her to at least keep some underclothes on! I was blindsided...

Saber huffs, appearing displeased. Well, I ought to thank Rani. She looks worn out.

I am a bit tired, though. I shall return to bed for the remainder of the day.

Gah! Don't flee, Rani! Our contest is not yet over!

Rani bows and leaves. Saber keeps yelling at her as she leaves. What's all this animosity about? If you asked me, I'd say Rani is strategically retreating...
...Out of all the lines to get changed based on Servant, this is one of them?

Now that I am well, I will revisit the disgrace I have suffered upon their heads!
Music: Fear

I saw through your trick the last time, when you threw the surprise attack at me. Your fist penetrates your enemy's body with a bolt of magic, which disrupts their nerves. It is a secret Chinese technique that combines raw energy with the martial arts.

Many a disciple will mourn. There is no more wretched a thing than a master becoming an assassin.

Haha, you've landed a blow below the belt. It is true, I have very much strayed off my path. The dark side is seductive, as any martial arts instructor knows. Like a snake eating its tail, death leads to blood leads to death leads to blood.

All this talk of bloodlust... Master! He intends to instigate a fight here! Are you ready?
Music: Down to Dawn
Up next is a chat for hitting 100 perfect fights.

I am elated! But, I worry. Praetor, were you struck by a radio wave or some other disruption?

For I never expected such mastery of command to emanate from YOU. Still, I give praise where it is due. I present my gratitude on a silver platter, so gorge yourself on the contents. It is all I can offer.
Nero doesn't have an exclusive Mystic Code, so she gives us a free Elixir instead!

Excellent work, Praetor. Why are you smiling so? This is nothing to become gleeful about. It was certain in my mind that you would follow through. Therefore, I shall not thank you, either. And the only people who smile so often are either clowns

...or c-couples who kiss each other when one of them leaves the house. *Ahem* I am not so soft to become giddy over the smallest thing. S-so, I am not happy about this whatsoever! Not in the least!
And this is her post-healing chat. The True Name reveal and Info Matrix level for today was exclusively a Tamamo thing, so we'll have to wait on that.
Music: Fear
Things we can skip: setting up the bypass to save Nero's life.
Things we cannot skip:
Picking a fight with Julius.
What a bizarrely designed game.

This has gone beyond ignorance. I'll happily crush your imbecilic exuberance underfoot.
Gain a level.

I apologize, Praetor... It is my fault we fell behind in retrieving the Cipher keys...
Realize that the sheer
of yesterday made me forget to mention the Trigger then so just awkwardly slap it in here.
And leave.
Music: School III

Now, if we could only see the knave period... That is the rub. To tip the scales in our favor, we'll need to do something about that, Praetor.
Music: School I
Music: Duel of Fate

Saber suddenly appears, but even as she chastises me, I can hear a note of concern in her voice.

Look at my circumstances. I am from a time so far in the past that only myths and lies remain. Why am I here, now? I live because I do. That I exist is all that matters. Yes, I exist, therefore I am. If that is enough for me, shouldn't it be enough for you?

In the end, life is nothing more than memories. Even those who live are defined by their experiences. Not just me, but all things will one day disappear. But does that make any life pointless?

The whole of history is written in the stars. And one day we will all be as one beyond the sky. The star that controls all of this... It uses the living to dream of what it can never be.

She's really trying to comfort least, I think she is. ...Isn't she...? I have no idea how to respond, so I try to flash her a winning smile and hope that it doesn't come across as a sardonic smirk.
And then we get the kilns.
Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor
Gain a level for good measure.
And leave.
Music: School I
I don't know, but I'm okay now.

At Saber's question, I shake my head. I may not know, but I'm not paralyzed by confusion anymore. The days of worrying about my past are done. From now on, I'll live in the present.

You've put a lot of effort into these...traps. Do not let your impatience overcome you.

That's right; we've done as much preparation as we could. Now it's just a matter of following the plan.
Kiln 1.

I leave the rest...up to you... Hakuno...

Rani?! All I can hear from my terminal now is static. She said Julius was heading this way, but what...did Rani...

Our turn will come. They will be here soon. This fight will decide our fate, so failure is not an option!
Kiln 2.
And Kiln 3.
Music: Duel - Prelude to Confrontation

However, if we are to cross blades, Servant, at least extend the courtesy of telling me your class!

Your skills are now useless. Your final curtain draws near, Assassin.

Though you may have the form of a young girl, you are one of the truly powerful Heroic Spirits. It appears that this battle will be one to be excited about!

Your attempts to slander my greatness are vulgar and offensive. But I am magnanimous, if nothing else. So I shall end your puerile taunting by simply removing your tongue!

I cannot maintain this form for long, but I will at least bestow upon you the torment of hell itself!

...I see now that it is time to truly test my resolve...
Next time: The curtain rises.